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Melanotan: Benefits, Uses & Safety Guidelines

Melanotan: Benefits, Uses & Safety Guidelines


Researchers and scientists have put in a lot of work to try to find answers to the growing concern about the sun’s harmful effects on the skin. Melanotan 1, a synthetic peptide that acts like the naturally occurring melanocyte-stimulating hormone alpha-MSH, is a big step forward in this field. Melanotan 1 has shown a lot of promise in protecting the skin, which has made it popular as a research chemical. But it’s important to remember that even though Melanotan 1 has some good qualities, it isn’t safe or good for humans.

What is Melanotan?

Melanotan 1 operates by replicating the actions of the alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone in the body. This synthetic peptide binds to melanocortin receptors and stimulates the production of melanin in skin cells. Melanin, the pigment responsible for skin, hair, and eye color, plays a crucial role in shielding our cells from harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation.UV exposure poses significant risks to the skin, including sunburn, premature aging, and an increased likelihood of developing skin cancer. However, Melanotan 1 has demonstrated its potential as a shield against these harmful effects by triggering melanogenesis. [R]

Although not approved for human use, Melanotan 1 is known for its potential to prevent phototoxicity, a condition characterized by heightened sensitivity to light that can result in severe sunburns and skin damage. By reducing phototoxicity, Melanotan 1 shows promise in mitigating the risks associated with prolonged sun exposure. Melanotan 1 has found clinical applications in Europe specifically for preventing phototoxicity, offering hope for individuals susceptible to this condition. By providing an additional layer of protection against UV-induced skin damage, Melanotan 1 has the potential to decrease the occurrence of sunburns and reduce the associated risk of developing skin cancer.[R]

Key Features

RCD Bio offers Melanotan Powder with the following specifications:

  • A purity of 98%, verified by third-party laboratory testing.
  • Available in powder form: Melanotan 1 Peptide and  Melanotan 2 Peptide

How Does It Work?

Melanotan 1, a substance used in research settings, has been found to cross the blood-brain barrier and have an impact on melanocytes, which are specialized cells present in the skin and eyes. These cells play a crucial role in various bodily functions such as hypoactive sexual desire disorder, female sexual desire disorders, pigmentation, inflammation, and even food intake. Melanocytes express five different melanocortin receptors, namely MC1R, MC2R, MC3R, MC4R, and MC5R, which are responsible for receiving signals and regulating the associated processes.

Studies have revealed that Melanotan 1 exhibits a particular affinity for the MC1R receptor. When introduced into the body, this research chemical stimulates the MC1R receptor, leading to an increase in the production and release of melanin. Melanin is a pigment that gives color to our skin, eyes, and hair. It is also a vital component in protecting our cells from the harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation.[R]One of the primary functions of melanin is its ability to absorb UV rays, acting as a natural shield against potential cellular damage caused by prolonged exposure to sunlight. By increasing the production of melanin, Melanotan 1 can help provide an additional layer of protection against the harmful effects of UV radiation.[R]

Potential Benefits of Melanotan

Numerous research investigations and trials on animals suggest that Melanotan may have a number of benefits. 

Melanotan II and Hypoactive Sexual Desire

In a study, researchers investigated the effects of Melanotan-II (MT-II), a synthetic peptide similar to a hormone involved in sexual behavior, on female sexual behavior. The study involved female rats that were primed with hormones and subjected to paced mating tests with male rats. The rats were given different doses of MT-II or saline, before each test. The researchers found that in rats primed with certain hormones, MT-II increased specific behaviors related to sexual proceptivity, such as solicitation behaviors. However, MT-II did not affect other aspects of sexual behavior, such as pacing or lordosis. These findings suggest that MT-II, in combination with certain hormones, may have the potential to treat women with hypoactive sexual desire. [R]

It is important to stress that our understanding of how Melanotan 1 works in Hypoactive Sexual Desire is still evolving, and that further research is needed to clearly characterize its efficacy and safety in sexual arousal.

Melanotan and Erectile Dysfunction

This study used telemetry technology to monitor the effects of Melanotan-II (MT-II) on intracavernosal pressure (ICP) in rats, as a model for investigating the impact of pharmacological agents on erections. The results showed that MT-II increased overall erectile activity in freely moving rats compared to saline. However, in anesthetized rats, the increase in erectile activity with MT-II was not statistically significant. The use of telemetry technology allowed for reliable data collection on the pro-erectile effects of MT-II, indicating its potential as a model for studying the effects of pharmacological agents on erections.[R]

It is essential to note that this study was conducted on rats, and additional research is necessary to ascertain the effects of Melanotan on Erectile Dysfunction in humans or male erectile function.

Melanotan 1 and Solar Urticaria

Solar urticaria causes a rash or hives to appear on sun-exposed skin; hence, Melanotan 1 has been studied as a possible therapy. More time spent in the sun will result in a more severe reaction for those who suffer from solar urticaria. [R]

The European Commission approved Melanotan 1 for the treatment of solar urticaria in the United Kingdom as an orphan drug in July 2009. When drugs or therapies are accorded “orphan” status, it means that they are being developed specifically to treat rare conditions.  Melanotan 1 is thought to induce eumelanin synthesis in skin cells even when the skin is not exposed to sunlight. The brown or black color of skin, hair, and eyes is due to a kind of melanin pigment called eumelanin, which also acts as a sunscreen. Melanotan 1 may provide protection from the onset of solar urticaria symptoms when exposed to sunlight by increasing eumelanin production.[R]

 It should be noted, however, that our knowledge of Melanotan 1’s mechanism of action in solar urticaria is still developing, and more studies are required to completely define its efficacy and safety in this setting.

Melanotan 1 and Tanning

Research chemical Melanotan 1 (Melanotan 1) has demonstrated positive results in generating tanning in a number of experiments.  A study focused on the effects of Melanotan 1 on male test subjects. These participants were injected with Melanotan 1 subcutaneously at a dose of 0.08/kg/day for ten consecutive days. The results showed that Melanotan 1 significantly induced skin tanning compared to the control group that received saline injections. Notably, the tanning effects were most prominent on the face and neck. Furthermore, minimal side effects were observed during the course of the study. [R]

Additionally, three phase-1 clinical trials were conducted to assess the safety of Melanotan 1 therapy when combined with UV-B light or sunlight. The results from these trials indicated that Melanotan 1 could be safely combined with UV-B light or sunlight exposure. Moreover, there was a synergistic effect observed between Melanotan 1 and the light exposure, leading to an enhanced tanning response.[R]

While these results are intriguing, it is important to remember that the use of Melanotan 1 for tanning is restricted to laboratory conditions only. All of the aforementioned research was conducted in carefully monitored research settings with very few subjects. It is essential to emphasize that Melanotan 1 should not be used for human tanning outside of research purposes, and further studies are needed to determine its safety and effectiveness in the long term.

Melanotan 1 and Fat Loss

The effects of melano-tan-1 on weight loss in mice have been studied. According to the results, Melanotan 1 stimulates MC5R-mediated fatty acid oxidation (FAO) in skeletal muscle. A key mechanism in Melanotan 1-induced FAO in skeletal muscle was found as the activation of PKA-AMPK, followed by the phosphorylation of ACC (acetyl-CoA carboxylase).

The study highlighted the role of PKA-AMPK activation and ACC phosphorylation in the process of Melanotan 1-induced fatty acid oxidation in skeletal muscle. PKA (protein kinase A) and AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase) are enzymes involved in cellular energy homeostasis, while ACC is an enzyme that plays a role in fatty acid synthesis. The activation of PKA-AMPK and subsequent phosphorylation of ACC are essential steps in promoting fatty acid oxidation, or the breakdown of stored fat, in skeletal muscle.[R]

It is important to note that this study was conducted in mice, and further research is required to determine the effects of Melanotan 1 on fat loss and body weight in humans.

Melanotan 1 and Blood Pressure

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, poses significant risks to overall health. Having high blood pressure increases the likelihood of developing serious conditions such as heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, heart failure, and kidney disease. Maintaining normal blood pressure levels is essential for ensuring a safe and healthy life.[R] Melanotan 1, a substance that has been studied in rodents, has shown potential effects on blood pressure regulation. In a rodent study, it was observed that treatment with Melanotan 1 led to an increase in urinary sodium excretion and provided protection against deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)-salt-induced hypertension. These findings suggest that analogs of α melanocyte-stimulating hormone (a-MSH), such as Melanotan 1, may have potential future applications in the treatment of hypertension. [R]

These findings indicate the potential future use of Melanotan 1 or similar a-MSH analogs in the possible treatment of hypertension. However, it is crucial to emphasize that further research is needed to understand the effects of Melanotan 1 on blood pressure regulation in humans.

Melanotan 1 and Hailey-Hailey Disease

Melanotan 1, also referred to as afamelanotide, has shown potential as an effective treatment for Hailey-Hailey disease (HHD). HHD is a rare genetic disorder characterized by the failure of skin cells to adhere properly, resulting in blisters and erosions in areas such as the neck, skin folds, armpits, and genitals. Factors such as sweating, friction, sunlight, and heat can exacerbate the symptoms of this condition. In a phase II open-label study, two test subjects with HHD were treated with subcutaneous injections of afamelanotide (Melanotan 1). Following the first injection, both test subjects experienced complete clearance of HHD lesions. This study suggests that afamelanotide shows a possibility in treating the skin lesions associated with HHD.[R]

Importantly, Hailey-Hailey disease is a complex genetic disorder, and its symptoms necessitate a comprehensive approach to treatment. Although the results of this phase II study are encouraging, additional research is required to thoroughly comprehend its efficacy, safety, and long-term benefits for people with HHD. All clinical research must be performed under the appropriate Institutional Review Board (IRB).

 Melanotan 1 and Erythropoietic Protoporphyria

Melanotan 1 has shown promise as a therapeutic option for individuals with Erythropoietic Protoporphyria (EPP), an ultra-rare genetic disorder characterized by a deficiency of the enzyme ferrochelatase (FECH). EPP patients experience painful burn reactions in areas of the skin exposed to light.

Notably, Melanotan 1 is the first clinically tested therapy that has demonstrated efficacy in increasing the duration of time EPP patients can spend in direct sunlight without experiencing symptoms. An analysis of clinical data collected between 2016 and 2018 indicated that the treatment of EPP patients with Melanotan 1 proved to be highly effective under real-world conditions.[R]

Melanotan 1 has demonstrated efficacy as a therapeutic option for individuals with Erythropoietic Protoporphyria (EPP), allowing them to spend more time in direct sunlight without experiencing symptoms. The increased melanin production induced by Melanotan 1 provides a protective effect against painful burn reactions caused by light exposure in EPP patients. 

Melanotan 1 and Vitiligo

The skin disorder vitiligo, in which white patches appear due to a lack of melanin production, may be helped by the administration of Melanotan 1. The face, skin folds, neck, and hands are just some of the places where vitiligo tends to show up.[R]

Melanotan 1 and narrowband UV-B (NB-UV-B) phototherapy were tested in a randomized multicenter experiment for the possible treatment of vitiligo. To encourage repigmentation, the skin is exposed to narrow-band ultraviolet radiation (NB-UV-B) as part of NB-UV-B phototherapy. Clinically noticeable and statistically significant repigmentation of the afflicted areas was generated by the combination therapy of Melanotan 1 and NB-UV-B phototherapy, as shown by the results of the trial. Repigmentation occurred more quickly with this combined treatment method than with NB-UV-B monotherapy alone. [R]

These findings suggest that Melanotan 1, in conjunction with NB-UV-B phototherapy, holds potential as a treatment option for vitiligo. By stimulating melanin production and combining it with the targeted effects of NB-UV-B phototherapy, this combination therapy can promote repigmentation of the affected skin areas. Nevertheless, further research is necessary to fully understand the effectiveness, safety, and long-term outcomes of Melanotan 1 in the treatment of vitiligo.

Precautions to Consider

When researching Melanotan, it is essential to take certain precautions. Here are some precautions to keep in mind:

Observe best practices for studying research chemicals

Studying research chemicals requires a responsible and informed approach to ensure safety and meaningful scientific exploration. Research chemicals, also known as designer drugs or experimental compounds, are substances synthesized for scientific investigation or exploration of their properties.

Follow the recommended dosage in the warning section

Adhere to the recommended dosage instructions outlined on the product label. Avoid a significant increase of the suggested dose to minimize the risk of potential adverse effects among test subjects.

Potential Side Effects

Negative reactions of Melanotan 1 include vomiting, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, redness, weakness, yawning, skin darkening, and even spontaneous erections. In some people, especially those with fair skin, using Melanotan has been linked to changes in the appearance of existing moles, the development of new moles, and even cases of skin cancer.[R]

Where Can I Buy Melanotan Online?

RCD Bio offers  Melanotan for laboratory and research use only.

When buying  Melanotan, it is important to choose a reputable seller who provides quality  Melanotan. At RCD Bio, each product is accompanied by a third-party-issued Certificate of Analysis showing the identification, purity, and concentration of our product.


Melanotan 1 is a synthetic peptide that mimics the natural melanocyte-stimulating hormone alpha-MSH. It has shown promise in protecting the skin from harmful UV radiation. However, its safety and effectiveness for human use have not been established. Although it has demonstrated potential benefits in preventing phototoxicity, inducing tanning, promoting fat loss, and treating conditions such as Hailey-Hailey disease, Erythropoietic Protoporphyria, and vitiligo, its safety and effectiveness for human use have not been fully established. Further research is needed to understand its long-term effects and ensure its safety before considering its application in medical treatments.


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PLEASE NOTE: All products offered by RCD Bio are strictly intended for laboratory and research purposes only. They are not intended for use on animals or humans.